The easyCover DSLR protecting case – Photo Gear Review
June 4, 2016

Got a camera? Anal about protecting it from all the hazards in the universe? Then lock it away in a fire- and theft-proof safe and don’t use it. If that’s not an option, you can either be more careful with your gear or look for a protective case to fend off everyday bumps and scratches.
I fall into the category of tech geeks who love to play with their gadgets, but I’m also in the camp that likes them to remain in near-pristine condition as long as possible. Do you know folks who leave the small plastic windows on their phones, front of DVRs, ends of their remote controls, and even on the face of their Apple watch and Fitbit? Yeah, I’m that guy.
So, when it came to actually owning and using a piece of gear that cost – with lens and accessories – around $3500, I had to double up on my psychologist visits and find a solution that would help keep my camera and lens safe.
My fear of gear damage is to the point where if I see the barometric pressure is plummeting via my weather-smart watch, I run indoors to ensure this device (safe to a bunch of atmospheres it claims) won’t get wet.
I’ve also been known to cancel photoshoot excursions because the weather might have been too tough for my equipment…though in reality it’s probably me just being a wuss. For those who have to listen to my whining, there are now some solutions.
One is the prevalence of comfy and easy-to-fit earplugs. The other is the easyCover from a company in the Netherlands. While the easyCover won’t stop you from hearing my complaints, it will in many cases alleviate bumps, bruises, scrapes and scratches to your camera equipment.
Here’s the story on this photo accessory and how it might fit your imaging lifestyle. First, go to their site and see if your model can be covered. I own the latest sports/wildlife DSLR from Canon and it’s already a body for which easyCover has a case, so it’s likely your camera body will be on the list.
Next, decide how you treat your gear and what steps you take when on a shoot or on assignment. For me, I’m very careful about where and how I change lenses. The biggest drawback (and I’ll list out the benefits and negative factors of the easyCover shortly) with this protection is that you can easily trap debris between the cover and your camera. Imagine a piece of sand gently scraping back and forth repeatedly between a silicone camera cover and the camera body it’s trying to protect. Not good.
Next step is to scroll through the FAQ. Here you’ll find the reasoning behind the easyCover design, the best methods to first fit the cover on your DSLR and how the case should wear in and become easier to use. In fact, once it’s on there the easyCover becomes quite unnoticeable to the user. Beyond a slight change in thickness and an improved grip when holding the camera with one hand, it’s purely unobtrusive.
Are you done perusing their site? Great. Let’s go over my opinions of the case starting with the good and then wrapping up with the bad.
Design was well thought out. All dials and buttons you need to have direct access to are left uncovered. The creation of the easyCase clearly took some time and energy and I believe the team did a great job.
Protective elements are substantial enough for almost all users. The cover should survive and protect DSLRs from bumps and scratches. If you’re a working pro, the easyCover is great for a camera body kept out of your backpack or bag. Even banging against a tripod, inside the car door, against your hip or the sides of ladders or rigging will all be safer with the easyCover installed.
It’s simple to put on the camera body, allows for all your lenses, comes with LCD covers (in two sizes), and can be cleaned easily if you actually get it dirty.
It comes in a variety of basic and bright colors. Over time, the case will become grippier because it will react positively to the oils on, and shape of, your hand.
It costs about $30 for a DSLR body, $20 for a point and shoot. And the list of camera models it fits is pretty extensive.
Those are the good things. For a $30 item, there’s a lot to like about the easyCover…for the most part I do like this piece of tech. But there are two issues I’m picky about. These are…
The color I chose. I picked red. It’s my fault. It’s not an easyCover failing – it’s all on me. But I should have gone with a basic black version and I’m kicking myself every time I take the camera out to go shooting.
Why in the world did I think it was smart to put a beacon of attention on my expensive equipment? Hey, look at me and my bright red kit worth $3500 – come stick a knife in my ribs and take away my gear! Why not take my dignity at the same time? Sure, you can have that too…enjoy!
Second is the care you need to take when you first apply the cover to your camera body. There are no sticky materials or lubricants to ensure the easyCover goes on your camera. It stretches and then fits into place easily. But if you are doing this in practically any environment except a clean room, you are sure to trap dust underneath the cover and between the cover and the camera.
Further, they ask you to apply the easyCover while there is no lens attached. This makes it even more likely that you could suck dust into your sensor and/or through static electricity get something pinned between the case and the DSLR or around the lens collar area.
It is NOT A BIG DEAL. But I have colleagues who change lenses in sand storms and similar conditions and I can imagine them being about as careful when first applying/covering their gear with the easyCover. I urge them to actually pay attention or risk scratching up their gear over time…while they are believing that the cover is saving their body from damage.
That’s it. Simply put, $30 to keep your camera looking like it just rolled off the assembly line is a good investment. Go with a nondescript color and be careful when putting it on for the first time. You’ll have avoided my two greatest fears – except for bees in my shoes – and will likely become a fan of the easyCover right away.
Want to know what I’m doing Monday? Yes, that’s right, I’m sending my easyCover back to the manufacturer and asking them to send me a black version for my Canon 7D Mark II.
Got any questions about my experience? Look for me – I’ll be the guy with the bright red camera – around Boston or drop me a comment via the blog. Failing both those steps, tweet at me…I can be very social!
Thanks for reading!