Losing track
August 26, 2008
While walking through the cattle barns at the New York State Fair last weekend I exclaimed “Holy Cow” and burst into giggles. Manly giggles, of course, but giggles nonetheless. It was just one snippet of time that has coagulated in my mind along with a jumble of other recent experiences.
I’m guessing that my distance from the keyboard has caused my mind to revolt and back up like a fussy toilet with ideas, remembrances, poignant stories and vignettes from the past two weeks.
In one exhaustive session I’m going to try and share bits and pieces of every day. I’ll do it in separate blog entries and some of the less urban, more refined posts will appear at Jeff Cutler dot com – the sabbatical blog.
Stay tuned. This is going up on Tuesday afternoon but I suspect that my mind has enough fodder to complete entries for the rest of the week. I’ll give you more substance around 7PM tonight and then will update each blog mid-morning on W, TH and F. Enjoy!
More to come…