Apps for Personal and Business Finance – Review
March 6, 2014

Annie at reached out to me to share some of the cool stuff that’s going into the pages of their publication. I asked her to send me a couple links and an intro. What follows here is essentially a review of apps for Apple and apps for Google Android. Enjoy…
Acres of virtual text have been taken up by reviews of up and coming games, fun apps, social apps (not to mention Whatsapp getting bought out by Facebook), but lets not forget that 2014 will also see a wide range of personal and business finance apps.
Apple will introduce many of the Top 10 Apple apps for 2014 on iTunes. Apps like Barclays Pingit and MoneyWiz cover personal finance, while others such as iSpreadsheet Free and iClaimIt help cover business finances and expenses.
Google, via Google Play, also has a Top 10 Android apps for 2014 which covers a mixture of business and personal finance. Barclays Pingit is also available on Android devices, but you also have access to apps like Expense Manager, IG Trading and the more business friendly Book Keeper Accounting.
For more info, visit the site or leave a comment here on the blog!