Cutlets – Bucket List Edition

May 29, 2011

While it’s certainly less in the fashionable vernacular to toss around the term ‘bucket list’ these days, I’m finally warming to it and prepping my own stuff.

Some might argue that I’m quirky just to be quirky… I have yet to see Pulp Fiction, I ride a scooter, am trying to learn how to play the banjo and I named my cats after meat. But this quirk level isn’t why I’m bucketing it up. It’s mostly because of the mortality reminders that have come peeking through my usual sun-lit sky.

Yes, in my world the sky is cotton-candy blue with wispy white chocolate clouds and marshmallow snowstorms.

So, without further ado and to keep you from fully worrying that I’m off my meds, here are a few of my bucket-list items in no particular order…

Follow the Tour de France via scooter

Watch a few more professional golf tournaments in person

Visit Vancouver

Cook the perfect breakfast sausage

Learn the banjo well enough to earn money as a street or subway musician

Write – and have published – at least one more book

Star in, or at least have a speaking role in a movie

Get my Twitter account verified

Renovate our house to include a hot-tub, a bocce court and a hidden room

See more shooting stars

Ride a century – preferably in Europe

Live for a period of time (like months) in a hotel

Have high tea in London

Play poker in the WSOP

Have a Guinness in Ireland, again

Win an iPad2 or whatever the latest version is by the time I win it

Tour Europe for six months or more

Get my golf handicap down to single digits

That’s what comes to mind right now. I’m sure there’s more just peeking out from the vestiges of my mind, but I can’t get them to come into focus right now.

What do you still want to do with your life?