Philosophical or practical question

June 16, 2008

I’m faced with evaluating my recent adventures down in Atlanta from an intellectual perspective. To put it simply, I’m wondering if my jaunt in the south was essentially a sabbatical from the sabbatical.

I was down south helping a friend cope with some recent personal issues and therefore didn’t focus on my writing. I chronicled some of the adventures – Southern Construction and Kayak Madness – but I didn’t get elbows-deep in crafting descriptions, exploring new characters or even whipping a sentence into shape.

Now I’m back in my office and looking at the murk outside. It’s a gloomy day filled with mist, and that motivates me to chip away at some projects and tackle some new ones.

First on the agenda is doing some reviews on Macintosh accessories. It’s a type of writing I’ve done before for and it’s fun. I have three products to describe and evaluate. Then I’ll likely put the finishing touches on my recap of the first third of the sabbatical.

Then I’ll see what else I can make a dent in before reading some of my mail, paying a few bills and enjoying some downtime sans booze, ribs, loud music, motorcycles and the sun.

Keep reading!