
July 28, 2007

I’m not sure if this is just an idiosincracy of mine or if more people feel this way, but I often set my vacation goals up in tiny lists. They’re not firm ‘to-do’ mandates, but they are guides that ensure that I have something to do.

Perhaps this list-making tendency is part of my inability to relax completely while on vacation, but I like to think that it’s partly my wish to accomplish fun things while away from the daily grind.

Those of you familiar with my non-stop work schedule and workaholic nature probably understand this trait, but I’ve gotten a lot better.

In fact, during this trip to Paris I only had a handful of things on my ‘must’ list of things to do. There WERE (and I emphasize this point because I’m all set…except for one thing and that happens tomorrow) the following…

Watch the Tour in a cafe on the side of the Seine in Paris
Go up in the Eiffel Tower
Visit Brussels
Take bunches of photos
Play poker at the Aviation Club de France
and do a bunch of museum and cultural things that you can only do in France/Paris.

Now that’s not OCD or obsessive or unnatural, right?


Now I’ll download some more photos of tiny cars for you to enjoy.

More to come…