Just Four Days Left

July 24, 2008

Today’s Stage 18 is going to be a trial for the guys who are in the spots 5-10. They’re all about 6+ minutes back and to have a whisper of a hope they must blast the peloton open and race for glory today.

In a second I’ll give some info about the racing action today. So hold tight while I get race radio tuned in and Tivo buzzing.

*You could do this too, by the way. I’m just serving as a delivery boy for TDF info. When I’ve been blogging FROM the Tour de France, the updates have a lot more personal flavor to them because I’m surrounded by people, the weather and the food.

When I’m sitting at my desk with a cup of Earl Grey at my elbow, the recaps probably lack a little umph.

Well, I’m trying. If you have something to say or want to share your own Tour memories, leave them in the comments. Back shortly.