Stage 19 – Things are winding down
July 25, 2008
I had an epiphany today about blogging the Tour and what value I add to the cycling and reading public. It may not be all that important a topic for people to follow via blogs because there are so many outlets providing dispatches, video and commentary.
My thoughts are informed ones, of course. But I’m not Phil Ligget and I haven’t raced a road bike for many years. Even when I rode with Sean Kelly in Ireland in 1998, I had trouble keeping up with him.
So here’s the plan for the next few days. Since the tour is only three days from the end (and really just two as the last day is pure ceremony if anyone is up by a minute or so after Saturday), I’m going to just give you the standings and my picks.
If you’d rather I post what’s occurring minute by minute, you can either call 206-888-2715 or leave a comment here on the blog.
Otherwise, stay tuned for Stage 19 results.
OH, the upcoming posts won’t appear until 9PM as I STILL believe in not giving spoilers.
Thanks for reading!