Apartment Rental in Paris

September 10, 2007

***THIS POST APPEARED IN AUGUST, but because of a dispute with Pay Per Post I have reposted it and REMOVED any paid advertising.****

Just a reminder – if you were still unaware that I’ve been away – that the best thing I ever did was rent an apartment in Paris.

For less money than it would have cost me in a hotel, I had access to a great place to use as a base of operations. While the place I stayed at was rented to me by Jean Wilmain-Thouard (see his rentals at homeinparis.com), there are companies that rent places everywhere.

It’s crazy to tie all your spending and travel money up in hotels unless you’ve got cash to burn. Rent a place, do your own food shopping, relax like a native, and really enjoy your trip.

Next journey is probably an exchange week with my timeshare in either Vegas or the Carolinas. I’ll keep you posted here.

Let’s recap.

Rent your vacation residence. Save money. Enjoy your trip. Smile a lot.

More to come…