Back into writing

August 14, 2007

My avocational writing slowed to a crawl about nine months ago when I started working earnestly for a major gadget retailer.

My daily forays into catalog, Web copywriting and other project work sapped my creative energy and I wasn’t sure how to get it back. But now I’ve got it solved.

With the advent of my recent trip and the realization that creativity is just a product of proper mindset, I’ve been on a writing tear.

In addition to planning out two new books, I’ve been blogging more regularly (some of that is because I’ve been blogging for pay for a couple sites) on Bowl of Cheese, TDF08 (that’s right, the next Tour de France is coming) and even on

Further, I’ve got some great feature story ideas for the Globe and for my hometown paper. So pardon this interruption into your creative day. I’ll be back soon with clips of my articles posted here or at Novel Ideas.

On a related note, I’m going wireless … completely. That should add to my ability to write anywhere (or waste time on the Internet, one of the two).

And finally, if you’d like to be interviewed for one of my podcasts, just write to me – jeff at jeffcutler dot com – and tell me if you want to appear on A Life of Play or Bowl of Cheese.

More to come…