Domain Name Sickness
October 11, 2007
No, my domain names aren’t sick. And it’s a good thing too, because I now own almost 100 of them and am using them to build an empire.
Well, that’s not quite true. But I am using them to set up different blogs where I can hone my skills writing about different topics. Here are a few examples…
My site will talk about coffee and donuts and how I love both.
The site talk about my travels all over the world bogarting WiFi signals.
The aptly named site will detail my fear of rattlesnakes and of losing my money in Las Vegas.
And the site will be my never-ending quest to get the entire country to vote for democrats (this site will be slightly sarcastic).
SO load up your bookmarks now and get ready to see a bunch of planned blogs coming your way.
***If you care, I also have plans for Volts2Go, TuneDocktor, TheProperPair, Slumbertop, Kohlsblog, Talbotsblog, NESNblog and more. For a complete list, leave me a note in the comments section of this post and I’ll email you a complete list of my upcoming blog sites. It’s gonna be great! Just picture me blogging about my favorite snacks at!***