Getting plowed sucks.
December 21, 2008
Not the act of imbibing too much, but the act of being locked into your driveway by the municipal vehicles hired to keep the streets clear in a snowstorm.
As luck would have it, my parking area is roughly the size of a large yoga mat. That means my car protrudes slightly into the street even when parked perfectly. This drawback is really a saving grace for times when the snow hits my little hamlet.
Usually having the nose of the car in the street keeps the snow from being piled up in front of my car. But not always.
Right now – really, as I type this – the 14th inch of snow is falling on Hingham and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop today, tomorrow or ever. That means the snow plows are making regular rounds and heaping snow in front of my driveway. What’s the problem people?
How hard would it be to choose spots betweent he driveways to deposit the snow? I have a barren hill beside my parking pad that could take thousands of pounds of snow very nicely. It would leave the frontage free (which is important because there’s a hydrant on the front lawn), and it would allow me to calmly drive out of my parking spot.
Instead, I must jam the car into low 1 and blast into the street. Each time I do this I narrowly miss (should that be narrowly hit – because I do miss, but just barely) the Prius across the way. And upon return I must gather up speed to hop over the hump at the edge of the drive then slam on the brakes to keep from smashing into the retaining wall.
How ’bout a solution plow drivers? When you’re sleeping in your trucks at the side of the road during your hourly break, hop on the Internet and leave a comment here. Then I’ll know what compels you to block everyone into their driveways for the winter.
More to come…