Glutton glutton, who’s got the glutton?

November 28, 2008

If there was any doubt that I have become a massive protein-slurping bi-ped, please shelve that emotion. After yesterday’s heroic eating display, I have become both fat and embarrassing.

Not because being fat isn’t embarrassing by itself, but because I allowed my visage to be captured on film. That’s the embarrassing part.

Now the people who get cards from my family won’t be astonished at the grand photoshop job I did on wepriuiodfhkatieaf;hagkljak and my father, but they’ll look the left and wonder who’s the guy in the fat suit at the end of the line.

I guess the bike – NOT THE SCOOTER – had better be listened to this winter and spring. And I guess more of my walking will have to happen in the direction away from the table instead of headlong toward the buffet.

More to come…