If a shadow falls in the forest…
February 2, 2008
I’m still in Florida. I’d say SUNNY Florida if that were the case, but it’s not. Somehow my gloating about flying first class, eating crab and cream cheese omelets and doing many things to excess has angered the gods and they have hidden away the sun.
It’s also particularly vexing today because I brought a groundhog with me to Florida just to test a theory. Now I have a groundhog, no sun, I’m nearly out of cash and I have to go play golf in a little bit.
If you have some advice, leave it in the comments below.
Oh, and if you’re patient I’ll get some Florida photos posted soon. These photos were taken a full 22 hours ago when the sun WAS around. Before the gods were angered.
Does it mean six more weeks if there IS a shadow of if there ISN’T a shadow? I’m going to bring a lamp outside with me to ensure winter ends early. This shadow/no shadow rule is much harder than fall ahead/spring back.
More to come…