
December 28, 2007

Well, the gifts will likely have been wrapped up by now…I mean the receiving of the gifts…and here are a few of the things that I’ll carry over to the 2008 Jeff Cutler gift wish list. You’ll agree that it’s better to know what a person wants than to just create vicious disappointment and anguish in their lives by getting them something they really hate.

A little USB laptop light. This thing is the coolest and it’s only about $10. Try Brookstone or Sharper Image or even Target for this.

Gift Cards. This year I got a couple, but I’d still like a gift card to Javaspeed.net for about $2700, a JetBlue card for about $4000 and a Whole Foods gift card for a couple $Billion.

Jeans. I know, I hate clothes. But by now I have realized that with my new workout plan and enthusiastic clothes washing schedule, my pants are getting worn out. So I need some jeans.

That’s all I can think of right off the top of my head, but I’ll add to this list going forward and may even create a special WISH LIST page here on Bowl of Cheese for you to enjoy. (CF uses MyRegistry.com but I don’t know if I like the interface so much.)

More to come…