November 23, 2007
OK. Jenny and others have been clamoring for photos of food. Not because they like food so much that it’s all they want to look at. Far from it. They just want to see what I’ve been dining on whilst I’m in the sunny south.
You already saw the photo of cheese grits. Now here are the meals in no particular order from the last few days. I can hardly move.
Crab cake and filet surf and turf.
Lamb shank. Thought shank was what happened to you in prison, but it was tasty.
Duck preparation. Yes, we had some time to make way for ducklings. 🙂
Butter. Duh.
The aforementioned ducks. Crispy from being soaked in soy sauce. Peking Duck is delicious by the way. And it was the first time I’ve had it. M M M M M Toasty.
Mike the chef preparing the duck for insertion into tortillas. Wowsa.
A light lava cake and iced cream for dessert. The plate is humungous, by the way so the cake is bigger than it appears. And words can’t describe how rich it was.
Then the pilgrims showed up and we had a little feast. I forgot the photo of the dessert table. Sorry. You will notice that a neat little apple pie snuck itself onto the corner of the table.
Here’s my first plate.
And here is my seat with name tag courtesy of Sophie or Libby or some nephew or niece.
Now I need a nap.
More to come…