Travel Day

November 28, 2007

I’m all packed up and now will sit and wait six hours until my plane departs sunny Florida.

I don’t know why I get all ‘airport man’ when it’s time for me to take a flight. It’s not that I don’t like flying…I really do like to fly. I think it’s the whole control issue—like having none. I can’t force a plane to wait for me if I’m late, I can’t run fast to make it to the gate on time, I can’t bypass the TSA, I can’t even bring a bottle of Gatorade with me (by the way, if you’ve been under a rock and didn’t know, the inventor of Gatorade died the other day at the age of 80).

So here I sit in the little Sanibel house thinking of all the stuff I can do while I wait. Most of it is insignificant and just time filling. Stuff like enter online sweepstakes. Play the MasterCard Priceless game. Read blogs by anyone and everyone in the right-hand link list.

I could twitter my day away in 140-character snippets of life. I could read. I could just listen to podcasts.

But now that I see my sorry state of self right here in blue and white on my computer screen, I think I’m going to take the destiny by the horns and go play a little more.

I won’t go as far as renting a scooter—the helmet is already packed—but I think I’ll find a happy hour that starts at 10AM or some wildlife to take photos of or even a nice coffee shoppe to garner myself a non-traditional macciatto. How do you spell that?

Look here later today for another post. I suspect that I’ll be bored on the plane or in the airport and will find a thought or two I just must share.

Until then…