March 25, 2007
OK. You’ve heard about Twitter by now (and if you haven’t and need a more techy view, go here) and you’re wondering what all the buzz is about. Here’s my two cents…
Twitter is a little computer program that allows you to share what you’re doing with the world and to see what things are going on in the lives of others all over the world.
You say that blogging does this? You’re right. So does Tumblr. But Twitter is unique in that it’s shorter than either of those two AND it integrates a following (I say LURKING) feature that lets you keep a collection of friends’ Twits in view quickly whenever you want.
The two really odd things about Twitter – and I just think they’re odd because I like attention – are that it’s a little hoop-jumpy to get in touch with someone who you’ve been twittering near (unlike IM or blogging there are no comments or easy ways to respond and create a conversation) – AND it’s seemingly been embraced wholeheartedly by a community of writers, tech fiends and runners. Seriously.
If you have a Twitter account, look me up. I’m there as Bowlofcheese (duh!).
More to come…I know, I know, I owe you guys a longer esoteric post that is appropriate for the Bowl of Cheese podcast. That’s coming either Monday or Tuesday depending on my writing schedule.