Adam Zand – Three Social Media Answers

November 15, 2010

The meme isn’t dead, just slowed down for a moment. Sorry for the gap in answers, we have plenty of folks lined up for this – I’ve just been busy traveling. Here’s the next guy….

Here’s the next set of answers from Adam Zand, a really enthusiastic magician and sometimes brand strategy guy. You can find his #movember donation page at MoZand Land.

1. Not including current clients, Russell Holliman at Podcast Ready and Cindy Sullivan at CCBN

2. Either the Beastie Boys show in D.C. before Digital Media Conference or the hot tub after Mil/Aero Expo in Long Beach

3. I was late for a Jeff Pulver breakfast, illegally parked and lacking tea. I was told we’d be doing live social tagging and that we were using our Twitter names on name badges. The rest is history.

Want to be involved? Send your ANSWERS to me HERE.