Assignment 10
October 29, 2007
Holy cow, we’ve reached TEN assignments on Jeff Cutler dot com already. Keep up the good work. I’m especially impressed with the latest post from both Mike and Alan on assignment 8 and from Alan on assignment number 9. Good work.
For an upcoming assignment I want to give you all a long-form challenge like a column or a short story. So start thinking about that. For now, we remain fairly ‘quick-hit’.
Here’s today’s project…
In honor of the number ten, you should create a series of sentences (say 10?) that each have 10 words in them. You can write anything you want. You can make it advertising copy, a recounting of how your cat broke the egg cups, or even a story about the worst rainstorm you’ve ever been caught in. But every sentence has to have 10 words in it.
100 word limit (10×10).
Post your submission in the comments section. Mine will appear there shortly.
Have fun!