Building Networks, Making Media, Meeting People – #BMM

January 4, 2015

Steve Garfield decided he’d had too much trouble in his role as the guy who cleans the letters on the Prudential Building and decided to start making, sharing and selling content. In the blink of an eye, this imaginary scenario probably turned into Steve’s plan to bring people together on the first Sunday of each month to discuss technology, life, the world and solutions.

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Now entering its tenth year, Boston Media Makers is going strong and that’s where I’m headed right after I hit ‘publish’ on this blog post. What will I get out of the experience? I expect the same thing each time and it always comes true. I’ll see some colleagues and friends; I’ll learn at least one new technique or trick that will help me in my role as a content specialist and photographer; I’ll meet someone new with whom I’d like to connect.

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That’s it in a nutshell. If you’ve never been, click here to find out more. And if you can’t get to Doyle’s Cafe on the first Sunday of each month – Media Makers never cancels – follow #BMM on Twitter to watch the buzz from afar.

Hope to see you there!