eWeek Interview at New England Xpo for Business
June 3, 2011
Last week I was presenting social media sessions to multiple audiences and had a great time doing so. But one of the really cool things that occurs when you’re at a conference or event is the confluence of media makers.
These include journalists, television and video production companies and even magazines looking to leverage additional content.
Well, Eric Lundquist pulled me aside and did a little interview for eWeek.
Here’s the link to that interview on eWeek’s site. They describe the exchange this way…
Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs and Twitter all have roles to play in the social media universe for small and medium sized businesses, however those social media networks are empty platforms without creating content that engages and communicates with your customer and potential customer base. Jeff Cutler, one of the premier analysts and users of social media, reveals how small and medium sized companies can build customer communities.
I just think it was a fun conversation about how companies can use the newest communication tools to help them succeed and connect with audiences.
However you slice it, this wouldn’t have happened if folks like eWeek and Eric weren’t using the tools themselves. So, thanks!
How are you using new and social media to reach your audiences?