I’m being watched
December 5, 2010
Are the hairs on the back of my neck alive? Well, they are alive, but they’re not standing on end…even though I’m being watched. Luckily, this isn’t like a John Lennon or celebrity stalker situation (for two reasons). First, I’m no celebrity. Second, the people watching me are doing me a favor.
So, what’s the denoument? That 451 Marketing put me on the list of top social media strategists to watch in 2011.
Now, these are smart people. And not folks to be trifled with. So I’m taking their advice and watching a bunch of the people they listed. You should do the same. Even if you don’t watch me – take a gander at some of the folks they suggest keeping your eyes peeled for…
Stephanie Agresta (@stephagresta)
David Armano (@armano)
Ron Callari (@roncallari)
Adam Cohen (@adamcohen)
Jeff Cutler (@JeffCutler)
Jason Falls (@JasonFalls)
Paul Gillin (@pgillin)
John Havens (@johnchavens)
Charlene Li (@charleneli)
Simon Mainwaring (@simonmainwaring)
Drew McLellan (@drewmclellan)
Neal Rodriguez (@notifyneal)
Marian Salzman (@mariansalzman)
Derek Showerman (@derekshowerman)
Aaron Strout (@aaronstrout)
Mike Troiano (@miketrap)
Tamar Weinberg (@tamar)
Dan Zarrella (@danzarrella)
HEY, realize that this list is a selection of folks from the original list of only 50 people, so there are definitely others who need to be watched. Go over to the 451 Heat blog and put your choice in the comments.
Watch out!