Inspiration, here’s how I quash it

July 22, 2008

I just realized that I’ve got a lot on my plate.

Have to get my Macbook repaired, create the auction booklet for the Grampys Tournament (there’s a post ONLY on that coming later today), clean out the office so I can put a new desk in there and maybe work without spreading out everything I own on the kitchen table, get stupid Verizon to fix my phone line – still out after 48 hours, contemplate buying an iPhone and telling Verizon to bite me, wrap up some product reviews, register and reserve flights for a writer’s conference in Atlanta in September, fix the schedule mess that is my Pawtucket Red Sox season ticket situation, change the oil on the scooter (1500 miles now!), check scooter tire air, buy a larger mattress to fit my larger bed, and flesh out the outlines of all of my books.

Further, I need to work on the Grampy’s Website –, rotate my tires, fix the belt in the car, pay some bills and plot a path toward success.

Does that sound like I can do it all today?

I didn’t think so either, but my pattern is to get all this stuff on my plate and start nibbling at it until it’s either a disgusting mess of unfinished portions or until I’ve successfully completed a few and started to gather no moss on my way to the clean-plate club.

That’s the path I choose. But for now the one thing that stands out as a necessity is writing. So I’m grabbing the typing machine and heading to the beach or a coffee shop or somewhere where I can bang out some pages.

See you back here after I’ve done that. You’ll be happy because you’ll have another blog post to read. I’ll be happy because I’ll probably stop for ice cream, get my creative juices flowing and get to ride my scooter around a bit more today.


Keep reading!