It’s been insanity
July 25, 2008
Not exactly go-off-the-deep-end type of insanity, but it’s been mega busy around here.
Finally have wrapped up a bunch of projects (some work for the Boston Globe, the auction booklet for Grampy’s, started recording my questions for Randy Cohen, *this is a past link, I’ll link to my readings when they appear* and am working on the movie for the golf tournament), and still have a lot to do.
But I’m getting there and I’m finding that the more projects I have rolling along, the better my writing gets. I keep things sparse and to the point.
For example, read my last few posts at the Tour de France site. They are crisper and more fun than the blather I was tossing online in stages 2-5.
In a few minutes I’m going to take you on a little journey from brown truck to open box. Hold tight.
Oh, and then I’ll describe for you the Grampy’s event and give you more info on the stuff I’m doing for The Ethicist.
Keep reading!