Margot Bloomstein – Three Social Media Answers
October 14, 2010
Here’s the next set of answers from Margot Bloomstein, a brand and strategy consultant and all-around nice person. You can find her at Appropriate, Inc..
1. Active voice matters because you can’t motivate, persuade, pitch, or sell in passive voice.
2. If not now, when? Wait, is that answering a question with a question? OH NO… did I do it again?! OMG HOW DO I STOP?!
3. Um, I don’t think that’s very appropriate, Jeff.
If you’d like to provide your answers for this project, send them to me at jeff (at) jeffcutler [dot] com. I’ll put them in the queue and they’ll appear in the order received. *Also include your Twitter handle and one link you’d like included in the post.