Power Struggle
August 27, 2009
I’m sitting in my first session at the Society of Professional Journalists Conference in Indianapolis and it occurred to me that plugs are the drug at traditional conferences.
Sure, social media and tech events like South by Southwest and CES need boosted iPhone carrier service, but at a journalism conference you’re out in the cold if you don’t have power for your laptop.
This session is called Community Journalism: The bright spot in traditional journalism. Maybe not the catchiest title, but it’s a positive theme at an event where everyone has been touched by the economy decimating the news business.
But the popularity of the session isn’t what’s gotten the room already half full with more than ten minutes to go. It’s the fact that reporters were totally worried about finding a plug.
Thankfully, the Caucus room has six outlets on the left wall and I’m gleefully sucking the power from the Westin with each keystroke.
What’s the biggest challenge you face when attending a conference or event? Meeting new people? Finding the toilet? Getting coffee?
Let me know in the comments.
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