Recap: Boston Bloggers Spring Meet & Greet at Highball Lounge
May 1, 2014

You know what’s fun? Practically anything that includes booze and food, but I’m actually talking about any of the events put on by smart, intelligent social media people. In fact, I have yet to attend a dull Boston Bloggers’ event and all the credit goes to organizers Alison and Kate.
This week I found myself for the first time at the Highball Lounge at 90 Tremont and was thrilled. For their 2014 Spring Meet and Greet, Kate and Alison got a photo booth from The Danger Booth and great drinks from the Highball Lounge.
Pair that with a raffle for charity (at the time of this writing I’m pretty sure I’m already a loser, though I bought a bunch of tickets) and some pretty cool prizes, and you have happy smiling faces all around.
Lots of cash was raised for the MS Challenge Walk, lots of people spent some quality time sipping cool-looking drinks and saying hi to fellow bloggers, and lots of flashbulbs went off in the photo booth area.
If you’re a Boston social media type and blog about anything with regularity, get on their list for the next event. Alison can be found here on Twitter, and this is a link to Kate’s handle. Or just tweet at @BosBloggers.
Hope to see you at the next one. Here’s the link to the rest of my Boston Blogger Meet & Greet photos over on Flickr.