Social Media Changes Everything – A Panel Discussion from AMA Boston
October 2, 2012

If you’ve been hiding your head or concentrating only on SEO and Yellow-Pages ads, you might have missed the social media revolution. But it’s here and my inbox is regularly full of requests from small businesses, news outlets and agencies asking me for advice. The biggest thing I can share with them is to stay connected and keep learning. Social media tools are only going to keep changing and the best thing you can do if you want to play with the big boys….see the social media proof of concept here in this screen shot….
…is to communicate clearly, meet new people, don’t be a dink and keep learning.
Did I say “keep learning” twice? Yes. Now I’ve said it three times. SO do it. And a great way to do it is to listen to smart people. That’s what I’ll be doing next Wednesday October 10 when I’m on a panel with three smart people. The event is called (see the title of this post) Social Media Changes Everything. And we’ll be discussing how.
For $45 bucks, you can get some good learning, some great networking and I’ll even sign any book you bring in. I suggest something by CC Chapman or Chris Brogan. But books from Jason Falls and Aaron Strout are also fine.
Here’s the link to the event. Sign up now and I’ll see you there!