Technology Jones on Mojo
October 30, 2008
On Comcast channel 881 (MOJO), the show Technology Jones is shown twice a day. I happened upon it Wednesday afternoon when I wrapped up a column for a client and decided to reward my overworked brain with some ‘fun’ relaxation.
I decided against podcasts and blogs and even online chatting for a little session with my television. But I couldn’t stay away from the topic of technology for long, even if I was able to forsake the physical versions of it.
Interestingly, that’s just the premise of this lighthearted, quasi-reality program.
The couple or person featured on the show has to give up their current technology gadgets for a week and only use products that were available in a prior year. In today’s program, the couple is charged with using technology from 1983.
No Internet, hardly any affordable cell phones (they gave them a bag-phone), no digital cameras (they got a Polaroid), no Tivo, no DVDs, no CDs. WOW.
Well, while the show topic gives me a hive because I’m not sure I could be without my iPhone, laptop or cellphone for very long, the episode was a winner.
I wouldn’t say that full-on hilarity ensues, but I can tell you that the challenge is very real. Aside from the relationship stress that not having gadgets causes, the genius of seeing how other people cope is well worth the 30-minute investment.
This particular episode showed the Technology Jones’ crew removing six or seven cell phones from the couple and then an additional five or six cell phones from their home. They replaced all the kids’ toys with stuff like Rubik’s Cubes, Cabbage Patch Kids and rudimentary games.
The best part was seeing them drop off a computer with only a floppy drive at the couple’s office.
The only drawback I saw was that the show’s producers didn’t remain entirely true to the availability of 1983 tech. I say this because I purchased a cell phone in 1999 and the couple was provided with the same model…which didn’t come out until many years later.
Regardless, if you get a chance to veg out in front of the TV, assuming Technology Jones hasn’t taken you back to 1932, I recommend you give this show a shot.