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Verizon’s HTC Droid Incredible – First Look

May 13, 2010

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Verizon contacted me with the request that I review their new phone – the HTC Droid Incredible – and of course I said yes. I had planned to shop the review to some of my other outlets, but they already had an Incredible in house and were doing their own […]

uSurf – unpacking the box

January 31, 2007


The uSurf machine from Brookstone arrived the other day and it sat in my office in the large brown box until today. It wasn’t because I was too busy to unload the little surfboard-like exercise gadget. Nope, it was because I’m deathly afraid of getting into shape. But tonight it […]

TwitterBattical – sort of

February 15, 2010


There are people on Twitter who occasionally take a break from the madness and go silent for a bit. These people do so, in my opinion, to clear their minds and their days from the constant pull of messages that flow in front of them. This conveyor belt of information […]

Twitter Friends Come Together – Fox 25 Boston

March 9, 2011


A week ago I was at the Fox 25 studios to speak with Ted Daniel about the ways in which Twitter brings people together. It was a fun experience and allowed me to speak about Twitter technique and share some of the training I do all over the country for […]

Tour 2011 – the Tour de France iPhone app

July 2, 2011

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When I can, and this might sound pretentious, I like to follow the tour from the road beside each stage. This requires that I fly to France and spend three weeks galavanting around the countryside. I don’t have a problem with that, but my wallet and my employers do. So […]